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Armenia Prepares To Spend The Euro


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I wonder.. What is this about? I was introduced to a set of prototype Armenian Euro coins last night.. Fine, so Armenia is preparing to join the EU and Euro, but what's with the design???? Who the hell is that man with helm and moustache on the one and two euro coins? Can someone please tell me? And what ever happened to Mesrop, apricots or pomegranates? Not even Ararat..
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I wonder.. What is this about? I was introduced to a set of prototype Armenian Euro coins la.... Who the hell is that man with helm and moustache on the one and two euro coins? Can someone please tell me? And what ever happened to Mesrop, apricots or pomegranates? Not even Ararat..



We can safely assume it is not Stalin :)

Assuming that it is a male person, amot indz :) :) Could it be our own Azat, Sip or even Mosjan? :).

As to moustache several come to mind. Boghos Nubar, Anastas Mikoyan, General Andranik and the moustache of all moustaches, Mr. Moustache himself, Wm Saroyan??


Or this? You get a bonus of an ample beard as well;



As to male moustaches, here is an Italian joke. Again amot indz :), but I am not making this up, an Italian woman told me.


Q.Why do Italian men invariably grow a moustache?

A. They want to look like their mothers!

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I may be wrong, but it seems to me that someone in Yerevan is reading HyeForum! ;)



Joy, Oh ! divine scintillation

Sparkling from Elysium,

With a cheerful animation

Goddess, to thy shrine we come.


These our nations once divided

Now your magic spells unite,

Where your wing does beat around them

Brotherhood and love delight.



Embraced in fraternity,

Let us build a world of union

And peace for all humanity.


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Armenia is joining EURO zone? That's strange news. Are you sure Nairi?


Not IS, but is preparing IN CASE they get accepted in 50 years or so :) I didn't know about this either, but I saw the coins, officially issued by the government of Armenia, and laughed.

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Not IS, but is preparing IN CASE they get accepted in 50 years or so :) I didn't know about this either, but I saw the coins, officially issued by the government of Armenia, and laughed.



This is an unbelievable example of very long term strategic planning by our government. They could as well prepare for Armagedon :)

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I own a set of "coins" dated 2004, 8 in number mounted in an attractive holder, that are being distributed for $20 to $30 per set in the numismatic marketplace. These are denominated in Euro, although Armenia clearly is not using Euro currency at present. The coins are designated as patterns (and so designated on each side), which means in essence that they are prototypes, which may or may not be struck for future use. They are not legal tender and cannot be used to purchase goods or services. The denominations are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 Euro cents and 1 and 2 Euro. There are three designs: the Armenian coat of arms (struck in copper), a plant (struck in brass), and a man with a helmet and mustache (bimetallic brass and nickel). From the standpoint of numismatic art, the designs are horrible: the coat of arms lacks essential detail, the plant is nondescript, the man is unidentified and does not look particularly Armenian. The coins are accompanied by a historical sketch of Armenia that readers will find fairly accurate; however, the history ends around 1994 and thus is about ten years out of date. Undoubtedly, these pattern coins were issued by a private firm hoping to reap profits by obtaining the Armenian government coinage contract. (This has happened in a few other cases, such as the ARMENIACA coinage depicting Jesus Christ; so far the Armenian authorities have wisely refrained from adopting the proposed designs). The name of the firm and the authority under which the pattern coins were struck is not specified in the set I own. I am told that only 1000 sets of the Euro patterns were issued. Any reader with more information is invited to contact me at tramaked@aol.com.
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