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  1. Yeah, absolute your are the only one who read.. Maybe You should rule country.. Well. Nationalist cant read. Erdogan and AKP are theives.. And what are you? Respect others more. At least If you want any respect. Politicians are choosen by people. So If I hope something I hope it from politicians(So people.) Not from some so-called intelligent guys.. Anyway, We live in same planet. You are not god. So dont steal god role. You are not more intelligent than others.. Lets hope, Moderaters will let this post.
  2. My friend, how can genocide maniacs can be majority for a nation? It is impossible. Always, large bulk of society live their own lifes. So these minorities are dangerous. It is not important what armenian do or do not. Important thing is that, we have a fasist minority(an active and dangerous one.) creativity of Turks?
  3. Your point? I am as angry as you. What they did is a crime, no matter, they call themself as good turks or good muslims, they are not both good muslim or Turk. Also, Quran banned to kill people. So, these quran toting people were absolute not following quran. By the way, my people dont think they have license to kill someone. Murderers are at the jail. So what they did is accepted as crime.
  4. I think these people just shut up. Noone is listening them(except armenians.) Erdogan, Bahceli or other nationalist should talk. what type of self-respecting nationalist will listen Taner Akçam.
  5. I think problem is not with apricots but with Kurtlar vadisi. Even scene is same. bind and torture.
  6. At past, armenians were more strong. It did not help them much. I think It is not a good idea to play with fire. It is easy to talk and difficult to do. Not, I am against to dreaming but at least that dream should be a little realistic. By the way, we are not nomad anymore. Remember? So even you conquer all Turkey, we will stay at anatolia.
  7. what do you think? dont you find our nation a little bit nationalist. I think, there are some people ready to genocide armenians again.
  8. I think a little safer than Berlin not sure about harlem.
  9. zurderer

    I Am Confused!

    We are fine, thanks for your interest. I dont wait a KG do you? Lev, they call it genocide which happened too early, so It cannot be named as genocide. So It is genocide which is not genocide. I think this is enough for commenting. should I teach you what is irony? I am making fun with trash. If there is a crime, acording to these guys. There is not any crime.(Anyway, It is not my ideas but their ideas. Personaly I think, Turkey should give some repreation to armenians, not ROA.) Hmm, decide quicly. It looks like turkey will close borders, until ROA decide.
  10. zurderer

    I Am Confused!

    I think you did not see what they are talking. They are not talking about ottoman-turkish issue. Infact they were saying that AG was not a crime against genocide law. but It was an ethic wrong doings(they named as genocide.) If AG was not a crime, so You cannot wait any restoration. It is not my problem If you dont see my critism. I should also add, be sure most of Turks dont like this case. They believe innocence of their ancestors, so They dont like their ancestors were murderers.(Please differentiate people and goverment.)
  11. zurderer

    I Am Confused!

    are you mad? I am not the one who write that trash. Attack another one.
  12. zurderer

    I Am Confused!

    They are trying to find middle way. Otherwise, They would be accuse with becoming one-sided. I dont think, that decleration deserve any shit. Lev, they call it genocide which happened too early, so It cannot be named as genocide. So It is genocide which is not genocide.
  13. lol, I was not aware of it. Anyway, I dont like bananas much.
  14. At least, I am trying to see picture itself. Sorry, even pro-armenian USA and pro-armenian Israel, will not help you much. Look at picture, not your pinky dreams. Be serious pls. They are just watching cyprus, when cyprus is member of EU. why do you think, they care ROA more than Cyprus.
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