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Armenian Kitchen


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Can't recall ever having Sarma (though its possible/likely)...but certainly am very familair with Dolma. Its funny though - I used to not like it - except for when my Grandmother made it - she used to coat in in tomato sauce and it was always very juicy. Turns out it was just my mother's version - way dry and overcooked (she cooks well in genreal - it was just her Dolma for some reason...)...anyway - i like it now...even hers...LOL
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Dolma is about filling (bell peppers more often than not), sarma is about wrapping (cabbage leaves). Both come from Turkish verbs unless coincidentally there were exact predecessor words.

So "tpov dolma" is actually "sarma"? :huh:

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Well we aways called it all Dolma - wether it be stuffed cabbage or ppeppers. I do prefer the cabbage varitly myslef.


And DAVO - not really sure if you will find anything that you can call purly Armenian - don't know...but foods don't tend to work like that in the region...there has been much mixing and borrowing - all the way from the Balkans to Afghanistan to Egypt and everywhere in between...and wherever Armenians have been they have adopted some of the local foods - and perhaps vice versa...in the end what does it matter? It is what your family has made and likes - this is what is important - is it not?

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Hey Thoth you beat me to it,I was going to say that our foods are so mixed I really have no idea what is purely Armenian..

Someone correct me if I"m wrong...We,from Lebanon,call the rolled grape leaf sarma,while those from Iran call the same thing Dolma...right?

And ours tastes better :P

so kidding kiddies....hantardehtzehk! :D

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