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Buenos Aires City Authorities Delivered Property to Build an Armenian


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Prensa Armenia
Armenia 1366, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: (5411) 4775-7595
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Buenos Aires City Authorities Delivered Property to Build an Armenian
Genocide Museum

( Link -> http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9SEwJ3URqXs/U5e2M3Z9m1I/AAAAAAAAA-4/YqU1b8fbP9U/s1600/DSC_4872.jpg ) (

Agencia Prensa Armenia ( Link ->
) ).- Buenos Aires City authorities officially handed a property for
the construction of an Armenian Genocide Museum on Tuesday, June 10,
in a ceremony attended by the chief of staff of the City Horacio
Rodriguez Larreta, Undersecretary for Human Rights and Cultural
Pluralism Claudio Avruj and various representatives of the Armenian
community in the country, as well as the Armenian Ambassador Vahagn

Rodriguez Larreta (photo) stressed that this museum is "a way to
ensure that humanity will not commit atrocities like those committed
almost 100 years ago in Armenia" and highlighted the "pride" that
Armenians had to "emerge with such force" after having suffered the

Avruj said that "the Armenian Genocide, as well as the Holocaust or
the genocide in Rwanda represents the absolute evil" and stated that
"the recognition of those facts allow us and the next generations to
have a better society."

The property for the Armenian Genocide Museum was handled to the
Memory of the Armenian Genocide Foundation, an organization led by
professor Nelida Boulgourdjian and architect Juan Carlos Toufeksian,
the same institution that organized the

International Congress on Armenian Genocide ( Link ->
) in Buenos Aires last April.

Toufeksian gave some details of the project: the Museum will have a
memorial on the ground floor and a screen with testimonies of the
survivors. The first floor there would have the Museum of Genocide
itself, while the second floor will be devoted to the cultural
heritage of the Armenians in Argentina and temporary exhibitions. The
third floor will contain a library.

"The laws and judgments of justice, along with the recent decisions to
build museums in Montevideo and Buenos Aires are an example of the
conviction to overcome the discourse and the pressures of the states
that continue to deny the existence of the Armenian Genocide, like
Turkey and Azerbaijan", said Alfonso Tabakian, director of the

Armenian National Committee of South America ( Link ->
http://cna.org.ar/ ) .

( Link -> http://www.prensaarmenia.com.ar/ )

Agencia de Noticias Prensa Armenia

Armenia 1366, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tel. (5411) 4775-7595 int. 14




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Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

Chief of Staff of the Buenos Aires City Government Horacio Rodriguez Larreta

BUENOS AIRES (Agencia Prensa Armenia)--Buenos Aires city authorities
officially transfered a property for the construction of an Armenian
Genocide museum on Tuesday, June 10, in a ceremony attended by the
City's Chief of Staff Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, Undersecretary
for Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism Claudio Avruj and various
representatives of the Armenian community in the country, as well as
the Armenian Ambassador Vahagn Melikian.

Rodriguez Larreta stressed that this museum is "a way to ensure that
humanity will not commit atrocities like those committed almost 100
years ago in Armenia" and highlighted the "pride" that Armenians had to
"emerge with such force" after having suffered the Genocide.

Avruj said that "the Armenian Genocide, as well as the Holocaust
or the genocide in Rwanda represents absolute evil" and stated that
"the recognition of those facts allow us and the next generations to
have a better society."

The property for the Armenian Genocide Museum was transfered to the
Memory of the Armenian Genocide Foundation, an organization led by
Professor Nelida Boulgourdjian and architect Juan Carlos Toufeksian,
the same institution that organized the International Congress on
Armenian Genocide in Buenos Aires last April.

Toufeksian gave some details of the project: the Museum will have
a memorial on the ground floor and a screen with testimonies of the
survivors. The first floor there would have the Museum of Genocide
itself, while the second floor will be devoted to the cultural heritage
of the Armenians in Argentina and temporary exhibitions. The third
floor will contain a library.

"The laws and judgments of justice, along with the recent decisions
to build museums in Montevideo and Buenos Aires are an example of
the conviction to overcome the discourse and the pressures of the
states that continue to deny the existence of the Armenian Genocide,
like Turkey and Azerbaijan," said Alfonso Tabakian, director of the
Armenian National Committee of South America.


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We know there are a lot of Hye in South America. When I was teaching Skiing a few years back. I would take out Spanish speaking private lessons, a number of them were Armenians. They like us remember the city or town in Armenia where their family lived. In Columbia there is a city named Armenia. Armenia, Colombia is one of the largest cities in the coffee growing region. They, the Colombians named the city during the 1915-1925 murder of Armenia.

The Armenian are thought of highly, as they should be, in the these countries.



Thank you Argentina!

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Wednesday, July 9th, 2014


Ground Broken for Buenos Aires Armenian Genocide Museum


Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian speaks at the grounbreaking ceremony of an Armenian Genocide museum in Buenos Aires

BUENOS AIRES—On Tuesday, on the second day of his official visit to Argentina, Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian, accompanied by Chief of Staff of the Government of City of Buenos Aires Horacio Larreta and the representatives of local organizations and the Armenian community of Argentina, attended the groundbreaking ceremony of an Armenian Genocide museum at the neighborhood of Palermo in Buenos Aires.

“This museum is being built in order to fill up the ranks of the numerous monuments dedicated to the Armenian Genocide which extend from East to West and from North to South as a vivid testimony to the fact that no matter how much time has passed we will keep on remembering and demanding,” President Serzh Sarkisian said during a speech after the future museum’s grounds were consecrated.

“One of these bright places is Argentina, who gave a helping hand to our people in hard times, saved not only hundreds of thousands of Armenians, but also restored our people’s broken belief in the fact that man was created to resemble God,” Sarkisian said.

“Next year is the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The centennial will sum up a historical period and will herald a new phase of fighting for the restoration of justice which will be supplemented with new methods of fighting against denialism,” Sarkisian stressed. “We are going to be more powerful; powerful together with the international community, since the secret of power and the victory of justice is unity.”

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