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Azerbaijan in search of "ethnonym"


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This Armenian made 12 minutes documentary in Russian shows how the "Azeris" have looked to invent an ethnonym for the various ethnic peoples living in their area and that this fake invention will collapse soon (according to the late prophetess Vanga sometimes in 2023) like a house of cards since it was made on fragile ground and on lies and deceptions coming from Tartars and Turks.
"Ethnonym" means an ethnic name ascribed to a people or group; the proper name by which a people or ethnic group is called or known. Azeri: an ethnic group living in Azerbaijan. Ethnic minority: a group that has different national or cultural traditions from the majority of the population.

The ethnonym Afghan has been used in reference to Pashtuns for over a thousand years. The name Afghanistan (Afghan + -stan) is a derivation from the ethnonym Afghan, originally in the loose meaning "land of the Afghans" and referred to the Pashtun tribal areas south of the Hindu Kush.

On December 25, 2013 in Stepanakert, the film "Azerbaijan in search of the ethnonym" in Russian language has premiered:

On December 25, 2013 in Stepanakert, the film "Azerbaijan in search of the ethnonym" in Russian language has premiered. And in this short period (As of middle of January 2014, it had more than 50,000 hits on the one posted in YouTube) it had started to produce tectonic shifts in the consciousness of the citizens of Azerbaijan. Today a resident of Baku, as a matter of fact, does not know of what nationality he is. That is, at the level of their own understanding of the subject, he could decide on one but his own brother often do not agree with him. Often it turns out that children of the same parents can be individually a Muslim (and in Azerbaijan this is an ethnonym), Azerbaijani, Turkish-Azeri, Azeri, or simply just Turk. At the end of the film the prediction of Vanga on the collapse of Azerbaijan is given: in 1993, she prophesied that this fake nation will collapse in 30 years, that is in 2023.


The fact of the matter is that Azerbaijan is already on the path of decay and disintegration. The more its population grows the more decayed they become until they collapse in 2023. The more the population of Armenia decreases the stronger Armenia becomes, as its said in Isaiah 54:2-3 "Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited."


"The Holy Spirit showed me an allegory of a large plant in a small flower pot. This plant had outgrown the pot in which it was originally placed in. It was created to grow wide and high in stature but the size of the pot confined the plant and hindered it's growth. The roots then become what is called "root bound". Root bound is when the roots have grown too large for its container resulting in matting or tangling, and they become strangled and restrained. The plant could no longer hold any water and there is no room for soil. If it stayed in this pot long enough, eventually it would die. In order for this plant to grow to its full potential it would have to be uprooted and replanted. The Lord is showing me that some of you are restrained just as that plant is. Jesus wants to bring you to a broader place, but you must be set free from being root bound.

"The Lord says; allow Me to uproot you from the confines and the restrictions that you are in, and replant you into the place where you will be free to flourish and grow. When you are replanted you will be able to recognize the freedom that I have for you, and you will then begin to walk in maturity. You will no longer be bound to religious traditions or enslaved by the doctrines of man. My plan is not only to set you free, and release you from all strongholds, but also to advance you to a higher place. Don't allow anything to restrain you from pursuing what I have qualified you to do. Refuse to allow anything to hinder your spiritual growth. I have created you to be a Sequoia tree, not a Bonsai tree but you are limiting yourself. Don't let spiritual stagnation keep you from moving ahead to the greater life. I desire to set you free with a purpose and a plan which is to use you to set other captives free. Allow Me to bring you into the place where you will be able to grow and prosper. As you do, you will be able to discern My ways.

"My Kingdom is about expansion. It is time to break out of the old pot, and replant your life for root expansion, so that you will no longer be limited to the confines of the old system. Do not allow root rot to set in due to stagnation. This will only bring death to your vision. Don't allow people to restrain you to smallness, but it is time to branch out into all that you have been created for. Allow Me to bring you into the liberty that I have for you, so that you will be free to walk with Me in Spirit and in truth. Don't allow anything to hinder you or tie you down. Now is the time to release old mindsets of doubt and unbelief. In your decisions, always pursue wisdom and follow after peace so that you will not make foolish choices any longer. Your circumstances will no longer control you, and manipulation will no longer rule you. My word is life and it will keep you from decay. My word is truth and it will keep you from denial. My plan for you is not only for you to survive, but also to thrive in all that I have called you to do, to expand My Kingdom says the Lord."



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  • 2 weeks later...

I did not see one, keep looking yourself. Since this is a new one one, hopefully someone in Yerevan will do the English subtitle or give a transcript in English of this documentary.


Note that the word"Azer, Azeri" is a Persian word that means fire since in the region between south of Baku and Iran there are volcanic areas where fire flames filters out of the ground. And the Persians choose Azer, Azerbaijan for their province of Azerbaijan (both in Baku and in north Iran) because it had similarity with word "Atropatine", like Azropajine. Those were an ancient people living in northern Iran, and in west-northern Iran. Alexander the Great conquered them; when certain Turk tribes conquered Iran and ruled there they forced the Turkish language and Islam religion on those people that still live in western north of Iran in the Iran two provinces of Iran, provinces of west & east Azerbaijan, the Baku Azerbaijan is different than those two Iranian provinces. Those certain Turkish tribe that ruled Iran were expelled from Iran and the Persians again took power in their land. Some of those expelled Turks moved further north of Iran and Tartar tribes coming from north of modern Baku, from deep of eastern-central Russia knows as Tartaristan also came to Baku region and to the fertile valleys of river Kura where mostly previously were Armenians by the river Kura as this river was the boundary between Albania and Armenia.


So the region known presently as Azerbaijan with its capital of Baku was populated by various ethnic people, some 10 or 15 ethnics groups like: Armenians (the biggest one before the war), Russians, Lezgins, Talysh, Tats (both of Muslims & Jewish religion), Avars, Georgians, Persians, Ashkenazi & Khazars Jews and others. To those should be added of course the descendants of ancient Albania and Media who lost their identity and language, the Albanians were converted to Islam when conquered by Arabs. To those of course should be added the Turks who came from the direction of Iran who came to Iran from the direction of central Asia into the Middle East, and the Tartars who came from the direction of the north from lands located between China & Russia where they had their homeland, they came looking for greener pastures and they settled and stayed there.


Now, early 20th century and late 19th century the nationalist movements in the region of modern Azerbaijan (of Baku) were after a name for their country, and since the Turks & the Tartars become strong there (with the British and Europe backing them because of the oil in the Baku region which they were after), and after the Armenian Tashnak forces lost its war with them, the Turks& Tartars choose the name of the Azerbaijan (or stole it from north Iranian one) for their new country in the hope that the region of Azerbaijan in north Iran whose people were already Turkified and Isramilized previously will join forces and establish there a big Pan-Azerbaijani state, however the real Azerbaijani or Atrepothians of northern Iran did not embrace the new state made by the Turks&Tartars. But Baku still even today after their imagined Pan-Azerbaijani state consisting of the two Iranian provinces of Iran with the name east&west Azerbaijan, that of Atrsakh and that of Yerevan of Armenia --all joined with the modern Baku Azerbaijan in one empire in cozy relations with modern Turkey with eventually merging with modern Turkey. They, both Turks&Tartars, believe the way to achieve this is by deception.


If you look at the map of Armenia of Tigran the Great, after he was defeated by the Romans which Armenia is smaller that Tigran's Armenian empire, you see the kingdom of Media-Atropatine is in east of that Armenia. On top of it you see the Baku region (land extending like an eagle's peak into sea) that region was known then as Albania or Caucasian Albania who were Christians and friends of Armenians then but when Arabs conquered their land they were Islamized that is converted to Islam and they lost their identity. If you look at a map of the Empire of Tigran the Great (before his defeat by Romans) you see the name of Albania/Caucasian Albania where now is located modern Azerbaijan of Baku that is ruled by Tartars and Turks, actually the father of the currant president of Azerbaijan was either a Turk who was born in Nakhichevan, or an Atropatian speaking Turkish and following the Muslim religion; or an Armenian whose family converted to Islam long time ago. I did not do genealogy research for his family but any one of 3 of those assumptions is possible.

You can research those maps in Wikipedia.



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To my sentence "They, both Turks&Tartars, believe the way to achieve this is by deception" I would like to add:


For this reason there NEVER is going a peace singed or established in Artsakh, or the singed protocols between Turkey & Armenia made real and effective. This is the reason that when just the PMs or FMs of Azrbaijan & Armenia have a meeting to talk about peace there is an Azeri attack on Artsakh or on Armenia to make the talks fail. The recent case was when some 40 Azeri commandos storming the Artsakh border in deep winter of January, they were repulsed but a heroic Armenian soldier was killed, this all happened just before the two ministers were about to meet. This same sabotage have previously happened each time when the two presidents of Armenia & Azerbaijan were about to meet. How stupid people can be to imagine that the Turks&Azers are after real genuine peace! They never are after peace despite the talks and the fake words; they are just playing the tactics of foxes, and the wolves, with the Armenians; to establish their own empire by deception.

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I would like to add to the sentence: They, both Turks&Tartars, believe the way to achieve this is by deception"


--Yes by deception and worst still they believe this will be achieved by eliminating most of the Armenians of the region, by slaughter, by exile and by subjugation the remaining few who do not prove to be threat to them and to their new pan-empire.

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Islam also encourages deception. Once majority Christian regions are now entirely Muslim dominated. A while back an author named Gevork Sulahian wrote about the intricacies of Islam and the mechanisms used to gain dominance in Armenia and Asia Minor (currently referred by the Turko-Tatars as a collective name of "Anatolia" as a means to erase Armenian presence in historiography), and his conclusion was grim; no possibility of coexistence, since the Islamic religion eventually aims to eradicate competitive religions, in whatever form it is in, Sharia, or not.


Pan-Turkism, truly developed by a Budapest based Jew named Armin Vambery, a self-styled "ottomanologist", is the underlying ideology to the so-called Islamism as well. Both layers of political ideology of the current Turko-Tatar regimes, therefore, are genocidalist in nature.

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and after the Armenian Tashnak forces lost its war with them, the Turks& Tartars

This is reference to the year 1905 when the Armenian forces organized by the Tashnak party were defending their city Baku (yes Baku then was mostly Armenian) against Turk attack, the Turks were successful in taking Baku from the Armenians when the British forces joined and helped them to overcome the Armenian defense in Baku.

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This is reference to the year 1905 when the Armenian forces organized by the Tashnak party were defending their city Baku (yes Baku then was mostly Armenian) against Turk attack, the Turks were successful in taking Baku from the Armenians when the British forces joined and helped them to overcome the Armenian defense in Baku.

Is the above something you actually read, or something a communist grandfather told you? Where on earth did you get such a fantasy from?

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Is the above something you actually read

Something I read from a reliable place years ago, the year may not be exact but around that year, Baku then was a town and not a metropolitan city like in Soviet times or as now; imagine the Armenian Shushi in Artsakh had more inhabitants then than Baku had. So this is not something that you read in the history books of the West but Armenians remember and write about. The British decided that the Armenians were a hard people to deal with then, so they helped the Tartars & the Turks and they even do now for the sake of the petroleum as BP is the big pipeliner of Azeri oil. Initially the Armenians of the Tashnag party prevailed against the Tartars&Turks defending Baku but when British took side they were defeated.

As to my source where I read it I do not remember exactly the place, but in this age of googling if someone googles that subject and spend time --confirmation of my saying will prove to be true.

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Notice how Armenians in Iran are using the ancient name of north-west Iran as "Atrpatakan". While Iran has divided the same region into two provinces calling them West Azerbaijan and East Azerbaijan. Apparently the Iranian name for Atrpatakan is Azerbaijan; this name was the same that Tartar and Turks have stolen (they always plunder, steal, and say lies upon lies, what is not theirs) have stolen from Iran and called the region around Baku "Azerbaijan" inventing a new country there and then claiming that their new country with the two Iranian provinces of West & East Azerbaijan form one nation, and to their Amazement USA and CIA bought that lie since we see American & Israeli services are agitating and subverting the Atrpatakanias (who are none-Turks and none Tartar but speak Turkish and are Muslims by religion since both the Turkish language & religion was imposed on them centuries ago) subverting the Atrpatakanias living in north Iran to rebel against Tehran and engage in separation and hostile activities against Iran. Modern Azerbaijan of Baku and Turkey of Ankara are claiming that those Atrpatakanias are their kins since they speak Turkish. Well, the Hemshen Armenians also speak the Turkish language and were forced to conversation to Islam --Does that make those Armenians Turks?

TEHRAN — Iranian President Hassan Rouhani marked the anniversary of the founding of the Islamic republic of Iran on Tuesday saying “We want to increase national unity and clear our hearts from some past events."

10 February, 2014


YEREVAN, ARMENPRESS: National school of Tabriz celebrated 35th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution. The Armenian Diocese of Atrpatakan organized a festive event with participation of school students. The National Prelacy of the Armenian Diocese of Atrpatakan informed "Armenpress" that 35 balloons were released to air conditioned by the symbolic number of the day.

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Panorama.am reports that:

"The president of Iran, Hassan Rouhani will soon visit Armenia," the ambassador of Iran to Armenia, Mohammad Reisi said in an interview with ArmNewsTV channel.
The ambassador Reisi referring to the Azerbaijan's ambitions towards Iranian territories, particularly noted, "The Azerbaijani officials who raise such questions know that if it comes to historical demands many other similar issues can be raised. If that happens the sovereignty of many countries, including Azerbaijan can be put into question."

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Lezgi people have been divided into two, one part lives in the south of the Dagestan which is part of Russia and the other part lives below on the other side of the border between Dagestan and Azerbaijan.

"This division of people is a form of discrimination and racism that has become a policy of Azerbaijan" said an Armenian; in the same way Azerbaijan is working for dividing the Armenians living in Artsakh from Armenia.

Lezgis are powerless to establish their unity but the Lezgis living in Dagestan would like to see a Lezgi homeland, within the Russian Federation, is established there for them.

Russia may fulfill their wish but Azerbaijan is strongly opposed since the Lezgi people would consider then unification with south Lezgistan occupied now by Azerbaijan.

The moral of this report: If Artsakh is given back to Azerbaijan, as Azerbaijan is requesting, Armenia will be divided forever and unity lost.

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If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom can not stand.

If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.

If members of Hyeforum rise up against themselves and they are divided, that forum cannot stand, but is finished.

If the Armenian homeland remains divided, and if the parties in them remain divided, that land will not stand unless it remains tied with cords with the bigger Russia.


The Azerbaijanis know very well those unity rules and they act and work according to that. Armenians yet to learn those rules.

Edited by man
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