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French writer 6 months in Yerevan


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I'm a french writer and photographer.
I will live in Yerevan soon (I will arrive the 27th of sept, and I will stay 6 months minimum) to write, to take pictures and to learn the language.
I want to find a professor of Armenian.
If you speak French (o English, o Spanish), don't hesitate to contact me on this forum.
I will give also French lessons (intermediate and higher level; conversation and literature). If you know someone who might be interested ...
Best wishes to you all,
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Welcome to this forum Chris where there is a ton of info anything Armenian. And hope in the near future you will post your photos of Armenia and writings in this forum.

I would like to know if you are a French-Armenian or just a French!

In Yerevan there a French college where you can apply for teaching or lecturing as visiting helper or substitute for teachers there.

You should have started by now to learn eastern Armenian spoken in Yerevan from the net or DVDs lessons. But since you speak English you will be able to survive in Yerevan as English is spoken there more than French.

Go to: http://birthrightarmenia.org/

and click on "Language Tutorial" at the top most of the page and start learning Basic Armenian. You can also go to classes given in Yerevan by this organization of Birthright-Armenia.

Best of luck to you, but if this is the first time you are going to Armenia you should be prepared for the "cultural shock" you will get and frustrated many times, so best of luck!

Edited by man
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  • 1 month later...

Je vous souhaite un excellent séjour en Arménie, où je n'ai jamais eu la chance de me rendre, étant âgé de 87 ans et invalide. Mais j'ai des amis français qui y sont allés, et sont revenus enchantés.

Il y a dans notre forum 'arménews.com' des Français d'origine arménienne, comme moi, qui habitent en Arménie.

Bonne continuation !

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