Yervant1 Posted March 7, 2013 Report Share Posted March 7, 2013 MOVEMENT-25 ANDREY SAKHAROV - DEFENDER OF THE RIGHTS OF THE ARMENIANS OF ARTSAKH, 06 March 2013 09:41 The Karabakh Movement, first of all, identified our friends andconfederates, supporters of the struggle of our people and defendersof its rights. Just at the first stage of the Movement, representatives of the Sovietintelligentsia held out the hand of friendship to the Armenians ofArtsakh; they properly understood the essence of the struggle andstood for the defense of the rights and aspirations of the Armenians ofArtsakh. Among them was Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences,one of the founders of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, public activist andgreat humanist Andrey Sakharov. The world-known scientist took an impartial stance on the Karabakhissue, advocating for human rights and considering the right ofnations to self-determination the priority. On March 21, 1988, Andrey Sakharov sent a letter to CPSU GeneralSecretary Mikhail Gorbachev, setting out his view on the solution ofthe problems of Nagorno-Karabakh and the Crimean Tatars. The first part of the letter noted the importance of the policy ofperestroika, which encouraged the Armenian population of Karabakhfor a solution to their issue. The February 20 session of theNagorno-Karabakh Regional Council of People's Deputies adopted aresolution on soliciting before the Supreme Soviets of the USSR,Azerbaijani SSR and Armenian SSR for the transfer of the region fromthe structure of Azerbaijan to that of Armenia. However, insteadof normal and constitutional review of the application, the Sovietstructures began their maneuvers and persuasions, mainly addressingto the Armenians. Simultaneously, the press and television began tospread information, presenting the events incompletely and one-sidedly,and the legitimate requests of the Armenian population were declaredextremist. And a negative response seemed to be predetermined inadvance. The Academician regretfully admitted that it was not the first timethat in an aggravated situation, glasnost was suppressed just when itwas mostly needed. Legitimate and peaceful strikes and demonstrationstook place in Yerevan, Nagorno-Karabakh and other places, but in lateFebruary, Azerbaijan responded to them with massive bloody crimes,which willy-nilly recalled the year of 1915. The author of the letterexpressed hope that the country's leadership, the Politburo of theCPSU Central Committee, and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR would finda resolute, democratic, and constitutional solution to the situation. Sakharov compared the massacres, committed in Sumgait, with the unreststhat took place in the capital city of Kazakhstan, Almaty, in 1986,noting that they were provoked or perhaps organized by criminal gangsof the local power. The issues raised in this letter became a touchstone of theperestroika and its ability to overcome the resistance and the loadof the past. One should not put off again for decades the just andinevitable solution to these issues and keep permanent tension zonesin the country. He called for solutions based on a calm and impartial consideration ofthe interests of each of the peoples of our country. In his opinion,it is necessary, in accordance with the Constitution of the USSR,to consider the petition of the Nagorno-Karabakh Regional Council ofPeople's Deputies at the Supreme Soviets of Azerbaijan and Armenia. Incase of disagreement, the arbitral resolution should be taken by theSupreme Soviet of the USSR. Sakharov appealed to the people of Armenia and Azerbaijan for full exclusion of violence. It would be a great tragedy if the committedmonstrous crimes were responded with new crimes. In his letter, the Academician presented his detailed option of theKarabakh conflict settlement, which caused then a great resonance. Henoted that we had inherited from Stalinism the national-constitutionalstructure bearing the stamp of imperial thinking and imperial policyof "divide and rule". Victims of this inheritance are small SovietRepublics and small national entities that are parts of the SovietRepublics on the basis of administrative subordination. "I propose to discuss the transition to a federal (horizontal) systemof national-constitutional structure. This system provides for all theexisting national-territorial entities, regardless of their size andcurrent status, equal political, legal and economic rights, maintainingthe present borders. It will be a union of equal republics united bya union treaty, with voluntary limitation of the sovereignty of eachrepublic to the minimum extent necessary (in the areas of defense,foreign policy, and some others)... The main point is that in allthe other spheres they are completely independent and enter intorelations with the Union Treaty on that basis", said the Academician. Why is such a high level of independence required? Because, as theauthor considered, we should step away from the imperial and forcedunification. So, what should we begin with? Andrey Sakharov suggested startingwith the complete dismantling of the imperial structure. This isthe only way to solve the national issue in small empires, which,in essence, are the union republics. The proposed system shouldcomprise only republics. Former autonomous districts also turn intorepublics. "For example, the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh will notbelong to either Armenia or Azerbaijan. It will be on its own and willhave the right to engage in economic and other relations with thosewith whom it wants. All the citizens of the country will benefit fromsuch a solution. And only in this way, I believe, we can achieve thesolution of the national issue", Sakharov wrote. The author drew attention to the fact of forced annexation of Karabakhto Azerbaijan, the cynical deal of the former Soviet leadership. Itpursued a specific goal - to enhance the role of Muslims in thecountry, given the neighborhood of Turkey and Iran. According toAndrey Sakharov, from the first day of the revolution, Moscow paidgreat attention to Muslims, intending to use them for spreading therevolution in the East. Ataturk's regime was maintained in Turkey;in that country, Muslims were protected, and the word "Christian"had not been voiced for decades. And the author of the policy ofperestroika, Gorbachev, had a pro-Azerbaijani sentiment. According to Andrey Sakharov, at the initial stage, the Karabakh issuecould be resolved by administrative and constitutional means, basingon the right to self-determination. But, the Soviet authorities chosethe contrary way, considering the priority the interests of the smallempire - Azerbaijan. Today, we lack the great humanist, physician, and public figure, butthe Armenians of Artsakh remember him with deep respect and reverence,bowing to his genius and greatness of soul. Ruzan ISHKHANIAN Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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