Yervant1 Posted September 6, 2012 Report Share Posted September 6, 2012 Very interesting person to say the least! It's long, but worth reading. PERSIAN-SPEAKING SON OF ARMENIANS Iran Book News AgencySept 5 2012 It is a fact acknowledged by the literati and linguistic expertsthat gaining mastery over many aspects of a foreign language and itscreative usage is like simultaneously thinking, living and creating intwo bodies. The significance of knowing a foreign language and gainingmastery over close and original translation of books and texts froma foreign language is a valuable and multidimensional cultural service. Meanwhile a person who has spent his whole life on learning anon-global language limited to a small geographical area- such asArmenian Language and Literature - has attained a unique and admirableposition. Ahamd Nourizadeh is one of them. IBNA - Farshad Shirazi: Ahmad Nourizadeh is poet, translator,researcher, and founder of the School of Persian Armenian Studies,has been active in a vast realm of Armenian history and culture andhas travelled to many countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Canada andAmerica. He was born in October 1951 in Ghazian district of BandarAnzali. His father was a firefighter of the Fisheries Organizationwho passed away in 1984. His mother was a hardworking woman that hadto work in the houses of other families to maintain her poor familywith seven sons and a daughter. Recalling his memories of the past, Ahmad remembers how he wept andpressed his father for New Year clothes, and how his father had toborrow money from the acquaintances to buy new clothes for him, as wellas for all other kids. That time in Ghazian district, there was a mannamed Sharbatuqli, a Turk who walked around with new suits and clotheson his shoulder and the kids chose the suits and took their fathers tobuy them. Later at high school age, Ahmad and his brothers realize thatthey should not press their father for new clothes and had to sufficewith a single suit for years as mother mended them to last longer. Ahmad has travelled around the world, is awarded by the Presidentof Armenia and even received an honor's degree from the Universityof Erevan. We have talked with him about everything, from poetry and translationto all other things in life and Nourizadeh has responded to allquestions with a smile on his face. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is your main specialty - poetry or translation? My main specialty is translation of Armenian culture and literature -both poetry and prose. I have got an anthology titled 'A Hundred Yearsof Armenian Poetry' that includes the works of more than 74 Armenianpoets. You know that translating is not easy. In order to compose apoem you may focus on a mental background and compose your poem basedon that motivation. But translating a poem also includes a matter ofchoice. You should consider the time and place of the audiences and seewhat the artistic interests of a Persian-speaking audience are, andthen try to translate from that kind of art. As I said, I am workingon literary realism and other poets can pick other works and subjects. How did you begin learning Armenian language? Somehow I started this cultural activity in 1969. I had learnt thecolloquial and conversational Armenian at age 5 with the help ofa dear lady called Arshi Babayan - 'Arshalous Babayan'. She taughtme the alphabet. I began translation by working on a few new booksby Armenian poets, like 'Galost Khaniyan' nicknamed 'Khanness' -the books were 'The Miraculous Power' and 'Greetings to You, OhMan'. Then I went to Isfahan University. The university had an 'Armenian Studies' department and there I learntthe written language of Armenian well. Then I improved in translation,went to Armenia and kept on studying Armenian Language and Literatureto professorship degree at the Northern University of Armenia. At themoment I have got about 30 books all of which are either translationsor compilations. Some of them have reached third print that is anachievement for any author in the present printing situations. I have read somewhere that the Armenian languages are rooted inIranian ones. Please elaborate on this. The old Armenian language that is known as Õ£O~@Õ¡Õ¢Õ¡O~@ (grabar)is highly influenced by Pahlavi Ashkani language. Let me bringan example. In Persian you have 'poshtibaani' for the word'support' and they say 'baasht-banel'. Well there are similarorigins. 'Expensiveness' is 'geraani' in Persian while they say'taang' that is similar to Iranian expression 'tang amadan' (hardeconomic pressure). These interactions are common between all neighborcountries and are also common between Armenian and Persian due tolong history of relations and cultural affinities. Tell us about your relationship with Armenians. How did it officiallybegin? I started my cooperation in 1973 with the translation of 'TheMiraculous Power'. At the moment I have 30 books of about 7000 pagesthe most outstanding of which is the book 'History and Culture ofArmenia'. This is a compilation, that is, I have spent many years ofsleeplessness on writing it down. And what is the content of this book? It is the history of Armenia from pre-Christian millennia to 1990that coincides with the downfall of the Soviet Regime. Another bookof mine titled 'Apple Garden, Rain and other stories' is a collectionof prose by well-known Armenian writers. And how did you find connections in the embassy and important figuresin the country? I have had no connection with the embassy except for the time theArmenian Embassy sent invitations to my address to speech gatherings. Yet recently Mr. Michaelian Armenian ambassador in Iran awarded mea golden medal that very few artists in the world have been given. Don't the Armenians try to tighten the relationship with you? No, they just issue visas or invite me to their country when necessary. You have travelled to many countries for the promotion of Armenianculture and arts. Which countries? Syria, Lebanon, Canada, Austria, and some other countries. I havemade speeches in Damascus and Aleppo that are important cities ofthis country, as well as in Lebanon. Moreover I have made a speechin Toronto, Canada. How much do you make use of Armenian poetry? I have only translated them, and do not take them as intellectualhelp. I have translated the poems of more than 89 Armenian poets mostlyfrom the second decade of the 19th century to the second decade of thetwentieth century. For instance 'A Hundred Years of Armenian Poetry'focuses on the last 19th to the late 20th centuries. The book waswell received by Iranian critics. What do contemporary Armenian poets have to tell us? How do you assesstheir poems? Contemporary Armenian poetry is inspired by the poets' lives. And ascitizens they are inspired by everyday phenomena. And of course thisis not limited to a particular school. But since I am interested insocial realism I prefer to translate such poems. To what degree are the Armenians aware of your cultural activitiesand precious services to them? They are fully aware of this and have often praised me in the Armenianmedia and other places from Armenia to Lebanon, Syria, Austria, Canadaand the U.S. In these countries they respect my works and know mewell and have written a lot on me as well. The Armenian nation hasbeen appreciative. Tell us about your poems in Armenian as some of them are put inArmenian schoolbooks. Some of my verses are included in Armenian schoolbooks both in Iranad in Armenia. It is called 'Masis Sar Che', that means, Masis is nota Mountain. The Armenians praise Masis to the state of divinity. Itis interesting that no Armenian book has ever reached second printexcept for this one. Do Armenians of Iran know you as well? Yes, they do. Some Armenians migrated to Iran after the genocide fromOttoman Turkey. They reside in Iran now. Some others have migratedin the years between 1887 and 1895 from Armenia. How do you define your relationship with Armenian culture and artsin a framework? Let me show you a magazine...This is the most valid Armenian monthlymagazine that is published in Iran. They call me a Persian-speakingson of Armenian nation. They have admitted this. I know that you have converted the works of many Armenian writers toPersian. How well do you know them? I have translated verse and prose from Armenian literature. The verseliterature I have included in 'A Hundred Years of Armenian Poetry'and the prose literature are published in some volumes including'Apple Garden, Rain and other stories'. Have you translated works by avant-garde writers to Persian, too? Yes in the same book. If you take a look, I have chosen works bywell-known Armenian writers. I do not mean well-known writers. I mean contemporary writers. Contemporary writers of Armenia feel a historical bereavement. What do you mean by historical bereavement? I mean the Great Massacre of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey. You mean that all contemporary writers just focus on this? No, but all writers are affected by this historical bereavement,and yet focus on the everyday lfie in front of them. So the contemporary Armenian writers talk about today's Armenian life -the social, political and cultural life? In my collection, there are works by such writers. For instance,Estepan Zoriyan is an authentic writer in this regard, as well asGhostan Zariyan, or George Mahary. What is the gist of their works? What do they have to offer apartfrom the genocide? I mean the events that take place today in 2012. These writers reflect the common life with their own viewpointswhether it is surrealism or modernism. They try to show the realsocial life and great pains of the Armenian man. Of course they donot insist that this man is necessarily Armenian. What is this great pain in their opinion? Unemployment in many countries. How about unemployment in their own lives? They have a thousand other pains. For a long time they were under thedominance of the soviet regime and when they set free and establishedthe independent Republic of Armenia, they have suffered from manypains and unemployment as well. An artist should express the socialproblems of his time. How difficult was translating these works? With no exaggeration intended, I should confess that in know Armenianbetter that Armenians and I am even familiar with Old Armenian knownas Grabar. It has a long history and is originated in Pahlavi Ashkani,this helps me a lot when translating these works. How did the audiences face the translations of 'Peter I', 'AppleGarden...' and other works? 'Peter I' of course does not relate to the Armenians. I have justtranslated it from Armenian language and the writer is AlekseyTolstoy. This is a historical novel penned by a Russian. I have addedfootnotes to make the text more clear for Iranian readers. Is Armenian - like Persian - moving towards more simplicity? No, of course there are new emerging schools of Armenian literatureespecially in poetry by poets who have no historical background, andas today's poets speak of things under the title of postmodernism thathas nothing to do with the real lives of the mass. I say this becauseI have travelled there for speech and know them in person. The lifeof Armenians after the Soviet regime is even harder than before. Theyare living a difficult life. Economically? Yes, but they are free now. Among all your translations, which one is your own choice? The book that took seven years of my life and makes a survey of theArmenian verse including over a hundred poets, 'A Hundred Years ofArmenian Poetry'. All these poems are included in this anthology. Theycould be introduced to Iranian poets of the time, but more than thatI like 'The History and Cultrue of Armenia'. What else are planning to publish on Armenian culture and arts? At the moment I am translating some collections of poetry by eminentpoets 'Vahagan Davetiyan' and 'Baro Serag'. Have you ever translated a work by an Iranian poet? Yes, 'Vera Rand' is an Armenian-speaking Iranian poet. I havetranslated Rand's "Flying Fall". I read somewhere that you believe that poetry can be 'meaning-fugal'. With the emergence of postmodern poetry in recent years, the postmodernpoetry is getting more attention. How do you find their poetry? The only school that I fully trust in is the literary realism. Asa poet and translator I only work on realist works and believe thatthis school can truly express the needs and spiritual tensions of thepoet-self. In order to succeed in the cultural sphere, I advise poetsto pay attention to literary realism. Read such books and learn fromthis school. So do you acknowledge the works of postmodern poets as true poetry? I respect all poets of my country Iran and I am interested in manyof them. I have long acquaintances with some of them and translatedtheir works to Armenian. Mohammad Hoquqi believed that poetry occurs in language. And a foreignpoet says poetry is making the impossible possible. What is yourdefinition of poetry? In my opinion, poetry is to discover the reality of life andexpressing it to the best in a poem. When you discover a reality,you should present it in the best form of art in order to satisfyyour reader. The expression should also be tangible for them. What place does poetry hold in your life? Poetry is the whole of my life. I was born with poetry, lived withit and hope to leave the world with it. For poetry is the only truthdiscovered in life. Poetry is the most beautiful art given to humanbeings. Painting is also another kind of art and the painters can claimit to be the most beautiful. But I prefer poetry as the most beautiful. You have been acquainted with a cycle of poets from Nosrat Rahmanito Nader Naderpoor. How did you get familiar with them? Since 1973 that I started translation, I have made friends with manypoets of the country because of my personal interest in Persian poetry,including Nosrat Rahmani, Nader Naderpoor, and Esmail Shahroodi. I usedto live in the house of Nosrat Rahmani - with his mother and brother. Tell us a little of your memories with Nosrat Rahmani. I have many memories with Nosrat that I have related here and there- even with poets like Esmail Raha and others. My best friend wasNader Naderpoor. He had a house on South Amirabad Street and I usedto sleep there. When did you first publish your poems? And where? My first poem was published in a local newspaper titled 'SetarehSoheil' in Bandar Anzali. Do your poems belong to the past or the present? I have never written a poem that has nothing to do with the present. Iam a realist poet and my works are realistic, but sometimes I havealso added the spice of love to them. In my books of poetry such as"Let Jasmines Spray Perfume", "At Lonely Night and World Winter" andthe last that I will publish under the title of "When I Recall You"I have actually made use of my mental memories, and address someonethat is alive in memories. I have a collection of poems on this thatwill be soon released. Do you believe in Blank Verse? The White Verse of Iran was pioneered by figures like Shamlou andothers. I even respect the advocates of New Poetry but personally Iprefer the realist poetry over others. A poet used to say that all happenings happen in form. What doyou think? They are the formalists. I accept form as an ornament for poetry butdo not accept that form is all a poem is. The lyrical poetry has always had its own fans with a large numberof audiences. The lyrical poetry in Iran is rooted in the fifth and6th centuries and the Iraqi School. What place does this hold in thepresent Iran? We have many schools of poetry and arts in our country, from formalismto realism and other schools. But I would rather stick to the realistschool. Do not end it here, please! Lyrical poetry is a dominant part ofyour poems. I have many lyrical poems but still I prefer the realistic ones wherehuman being is the center of poetry - that is, one should accept thehuman reality and expand it. And one of your poems you like most? There are many poems in 'At Lonely Night and World Winter'. But thereis one that I like more than others: At Lonely Night When the world was ruined to the most sorrowful memoryMy heart went astray as far as your blues And I knew nothing Whereto settle my moments down At lonely night everywhere Was ripe withmemories And all memories were your blues At lonely night I grappledwith your fancy And it was beautiful How many hours a day do you read? I read for a few hours. But these days most of my time is spenton writing down my novel. The novel I am writing is titled 'In thePassageway of Suffering". This is a three-volume-to-be novel that isin fact my autobiography. The first volume includes my life since Iwas six years old. Apart from literature, what else do you study? I have a large interest in contemporary sciences, including cyberneticsand bionics. Bionics is the science of nature. But I mostly studyin human sciences and sociology. As I believe that human being is asocial animal. It means that if you remove human from his society,you will face an animal society. What do you plan to do in 2012? I hope to complete the third volume of the novel in 2012 and thenpick up other novels! What paintings do you like? I am interested in the works of Shishkin , 19th century Russianpainter. And your favorite music? I have some cassettes by Haji Beigov, an Azerbaijani musician. AlsoI like Azeri music, especially the Layli and Majnun. What is your favorite sports if you ever decided to do sports? At them oment I prefer hiking. In the past? I was a footballer and had many footballer friends, like GhafoorJahani or Aziz Espandar in Anzali. A well-known footballer known asAkbar Kargar Jam - then the captain of Taj and right Half-back ofthe national team - was my friend. What books would you suggest to people? I suggest scientific books and would like to advise the youth to learnmore about human sciences, because this will play a key role in theirfuture. Many phenomena happen in our lives without which we may lead afutile life. Many sciences: one is computer sciences and the internet. Anyone not familiar with the internet and contemporary sciences shouldbegin to worry for himself. Contemporary sciences are in fact hackingus now. You wife is an artist. Have you ever sought her opinion when composingpoems or writing books? I make use of the opinions of many including my wife. We are inmental harmony. How about your make a living? Are you satisfied? I the last decades of my cultural life I have worked in many newspapersincluding the Ettelaat - that is the most valid newspaper in thecountry. I have been the chief editor of provinces and then I decidedto quit. I hope that the media conditions in the country change forbetter so that the journalists can made a better living. I regard ajournalist as a worker who earns money by efforts of his pen. And hope that one day all cultural figures can be well-off by meansof cultural activities. Works - "A Hundred Years of Armenian Poetry" - translation & research -"Apple Garden, Rain, and other stories" - collection and translation -"Peter I" - Aleksey Tolstoy - "Let Jasmines Spray Perfume" poetry - "AtLonely Night and World Winter", poetry - "Greetings to You Armenians",poetry in Armenian - "At Lonely Night and Dreams" poetry in Armenian -"Flying Fall"- Vera Rand, translation - "Amalia"- Nar Dess, translation- "Hunchbacked White Poplars", poetry - "The Miraculous Power" - GalosKhaniyan, translation - "Greetings to You, Oh Man" - Galos Khaniyan,translation - "Blue Lullabies", Mahagan Davetiyan, translation Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arpa Posted September 6, 2012 Report Share Posted September 6, 2012 Some of his works Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nvard Posted September 6, 2012 Report Share Posted September 6, 2012 1.It is called 'Masis Sar Che', that means, Masis is nota Mountain. The Armenians praise Masis to the state of divinity. Itis interesting that no Armenian book has ever reached second printexcept for this one. 2.Some Armenians migrated to Iran after the genocide fromOttoman Turkey. They reside in Iran now. Some others have migratedin the years between 1887 and 1895 from Armenia. 3.With no exaggeration intended, I should confess that in know Armenianbetter that Armenians and I am even familiar with Old Armenian knownas Grabar. Zgacvuma inch hamest marda...lol1.Kam hayern en sxal grel, kam el ira hayerene etqan el lave chi...2.Most Armenians of Iran were FORCED to move to Iran by shah Abbas and Nadir-shah.But of course Persians would rather think they were "invited" or accepted...3.Ay qez baaan, etqane vorteghic?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arpa Posted September 7, 2012 Report Share Posted September 7, 2012 And here we can see the originals in Armenian; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Louise Kiffer Posted September 8, 2012 Report Share Posted September 8, 2012 I know Ahmad Nourizade, I have been very interested by all that has been written here.I had translated one of his armenian poems in French - and written a short biography in French. "Ahmad Nourizadeh "Ode chantée par mon cœur" Traduction Louise Kiffer Moi j’ai composé beaucoup, Beaucoup d’odesMais ô surpriseJ’attends encore une nouvelle odeQue va chanter mon cœurCe nid fou, en ruines, De souffrancesDe cet amoureux. Ahmad Nourizadé est né en Iran,en 1951 de parents iraniens. Tout jeune, il a eu des camarades arméniens grâce auxquels il a aimé la langue arménienne. Il a suivi des cours chez la poétesse Archalouys Babayan, puis il a étudié la poésie arménienne, qu’il a traduite en farsi. Ses poèmes étaient récités dans des festivalsIraniens et furent publiés plus tard. Ahmad Nourizadé est un étranger exceptionnel qui parle et écrit l’arménien oriental, occidental et le krapar. Il a un volcabulaire très riche, il a aussi de nombreux livres en farsi de littérature arménienne consacrés à l’Arménie. Pendant plus de 30 ans, il a étudié et traduit les ouvrages de plus de 75 poètes arméniens. Il a traduit de très nombreux poèmes, et a publié un livre de1200 pages « Cent ans de littérature arménienne ». Un écrivain iranien, émerveillé par son livre a déclaré : « Je connaissais très bien ce petit pays voisin mais je ne savais pas qu’il avait une culture aussi grandiose ». Aujourd’hui ce livre est épuisé, mais il est utilisé à l’Université de Téhéran. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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