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If I see this word one more time I will throw up all over the “khash” breakfast.


(Note: Although, at the surface this may best be in the Language category, I chose to post it here since, as we will see it goes beyond linguistics.)

First off. If they mean the translit of the Latin/English word “concrete” then it should be «գոնգրետ» not “konkret” from the russky- конкретный (konkrétnyj);

What in “hell/tzhoqg/դժոխք/ gehena /գեհենա/jehenem” does it mean?

An aside. Congretaional/Ժողովրդական from «ժողովել/ հաւաքել» , when some time ago, even now the “Evangelical Church” was/is called “zhoghovaran/ժողովարան», a “place of gathering”.


“concrete”? This word puzzles me. In every other news item from Yerevan we see the word «կոնկրետ» . What is the matter? Don’t they know the word “hastat/ՀԱՍՏԱՏ”? Speaking of which, had they built those buildings in Gumri and Spitak with real “concrete” rather than sand/աւազ….!!!**

consular”? Don’t they mean a “con-job”?

“concrete”? This word puzzles me. In every other news item from Yerevan we see the word «կոնկրետ» . What is the matter? Don’t they know the word “hastat/ՀԱՍՏԱՏ”? Speaking of which, had they built those buildings in Gumri and Spitak with real “concrete” rather than sand/աւազ….!!!**

We read this in the so called "protocols" article #2 "take concrete measures in order to develop trade, tourism and economic cooperation between the two countries";

Do they mean "concrete" like this? http://www.cartoonstock.com/lowres/mwi0001l.jpg

:goof: One time, I had just returned from Yerevan, we were talking about travel, Europe etc. A young lady said she would love to visit Sicily. I asked, why of all the places Sicily. She said she would love to see the museums, the farms and the “factories”. Factories? I said, you mean the “concrete/cement shoe factories“? Another young lady interjected- “Hey! Look out! My uncle is a Mafioso, he runs such a ‘factory’!”. :P

En garde!! Touche!! :)


Also known as “cement shoes”.

1. concrete shoes - A method of human disposal, developed and perfected by the Italian mob. Involves encasing a person's feet in poured concrete, and dumping them, alive or dead, into a deep body of water. - "Luco Brata sleeps with the fishes. We just fitted him for concrete shoes“.


Cement shoes is a slang term adopted by the American Mafia crime world for a method of execution that involves weighting down a victim and throwing him or her into the water to drown. It has become adopted in the US as a humorous term representing any exotic threat from criminals. This gives rise to the term of someone who "sleeps with the fishes", a euphemism for the deceased. Mainly used by the notorious Gambino crime family in the prohibition era.

Cement shoes traditionally involves a victim placing each foot into the two spaces of a cinderblock, which is then filled with wet cement. When the cement hardens, the victim is thrown into a river, lake or the ocean. It is unclear how often such a cumbersome and time-consuming method of execution was actually used, outside of Hollywood movies.

A similar term is cement overcoat.




What does «կոնկրետ» really mean?

The Dictionary of Synonyms by Soukiasian says; «իրական, առարակայական, թանցրածական, թանթրացեալ.» To interpret the above- “realïstic, objective, thick and thickened. Do those in Yerevan really speak Armenian, or the “Armenian” language is an amalgam of “russo-furko-franco-latino-anglo”? Do they remember that the Armenian word for “firm” is “hastat/հաստատ/ հաստատուն “and that concreteis a building material“. If only they knew the real meaning? See Gumri/Spitak below.

ՀԱՍՏ- «ամուր, հաստատուն, ուժով» Սղ. ժը. 35. ՟Գ. Մակ. գ. 16. Սեբեր. Ոսկ. եփես. 932. Եփր. աւետ. «հաստատաութիւն, ամրութիւն» Ոսկ. ՟ա. թես. թ. եւ Ոսկ. մ. բ. 25. Սեբեր. «թանձր, հաստ» Յայսմ.

հաստ. որից հաստանալ «ուռճանալ, մեծանալ» հաստել «պնդացենել, ամրացնել, հաստատել, ստեղծել»… (origin:) Բնիկ



(ի հլ. ըստ ՆՀԲ. բայց առանց վկայութեան)

«ամուր, պինդ» Կանոն. Նար. խչ. «ստոյգ, վավերական, իրական» Գաղ. գ. 23. Մծբ. Եփր. թագ.

հաստատ. որից հաստատել «1.ամրացնել, պնդացնել 2. շինել, կանգնեցնել, 3. ստեղծել, հաստել, 4. վավերական ցոյց տալ» ՍԳր. Կոչ. Վեցօր. հաստատանալ Ագաթ. հաստատիչ Սղ. ժէ. 2. հաստատուն ՍԳր. Սեբեր. Ոսկ. հաստատաբան Վեցօր. հաստատագոյն ՟Բ. Պետ. ա. 19. Ոսկ. յհ. բ. 12. 31. անհաստատ Ագաթ. Փարպ. Ագաթ. Եւս. քր. Նոր բառեր են՝ հաստատակամ հաստատամիտ հաստատակամութիւն (origin:) Բնիկ հայ բառ՝ հնխ. Կազմուած է հաստ բառից - ատ մասնիկով:

See Gumri and Spitak.

Note that the word «հաստատուն» is formed from “hast/հաստ” and “toun/տուն”, i.e, “thick/firm”and “house”.

Let us get back to “concrete/կոնկրետ”.

Some Armenian dictionaries define « կոնկրետ» as the French word “beton(arme/armored/fortified) .

/բետոն/ամրացուած ցեխ/fortifid mud”.

Below we will see that the word is based on “coming together”.

Main Entry: 1con·crete

Pronunciation: \(ˌ)kän-ˈkrēt, ˈkän-ˌ, kən-ˈ\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin concretus, from past participle of concrescere

Date: 14th century

1 : naming a real thing or class of things

2 : formed by coalition of particles into one solid mass

3 a : characterized by or belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events b : specific, particular c : real, tangible

4 : relating to or made of concrete

— con·crete·ly adverb

— con·crete·ness noun

Where were all these “concretist/կոնկրետները” when the those so called “buildings “ in Gumri and Spitak, built with sand collapsed like a “house of cards”. The Armenian word for “cardboard” is խաւաքարտ/khavacard.

Some of us may insist that the Armenians were the “inventors of Christianty””.

Look what the Bible, the “Users Handbook” says about “building one’s house on/with sand-


[26] And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

Եւ ամենայն որ լսէ զբանս իմ զայսոսիկ՝ եւ ոչ առնէ զսոսա, նմանեսցէ առն յիմարի, որ շինեաց զտուն իւր ի վերայ աւազոյ

26Իսկ ով որ լսում է իմ այս խօսքերը եւ դրանք չի կատարում, կը նմանուի մի յիմար մարդու, որ իր տունը շինեց աւազի վրայ.

Edited by Arpa
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