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Turkish Big Brother

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It seems only natural u turks dont hate us as much, simply because you have not been through wat we have. you havnt felt the pain that we felt, your wounds dont have salt on them to this day. it only natural you dont hate me because i didnt do anything to you. but i hate you, I hate you because I know that your a living reflection of what happened in 1915. I hate you because its you, who isnt doing your possible so that justice is finally served.


where did you get that? I'm not willing to mindlessly kill a turk. I'd live side by side with a turk, but I will do all my best to educate him, until he understands and knows what happened on these lands he takes for granted...the land he calls "mother turkey" used to be "father armenia". but im going to tell you this. the minute that turk lays a hand on me...I wont hesitate to send him to the grave!

You are proving me right,Irlandahay.


I dont blame you,though.While Greeks turned their independence into quite a show,you not only failed creating The Dream of Great Armenia, but also you were betrayed by France and Russia,which did recognize Turkish Republic,whose borders include parts of Great Armenia.


Do you ever blame Russia for invading Armenia?Do you ever blame France for recoginising Turkey's borders,including parts of Great Armenia?Or USA for not recognizing Armenian genocide perpetrated by the Turks, which I honestly apologize for for more than 50 years?

What happened to Wilsonian Armenia?Was USA less powerful than Turks in 1920's to save your lands?


You know the answers,I guess.Isnt it unfair to expect Ottoman Empire,which was endangered by destruction, to be utterly virtuous,while overlooking these countries and deem them ultimate guardian of Armenians?

And as for Father Armenia..It no longer consists of East Turkey.Unless superpowers again try to be guardians of Armenians.




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You are right. There are in minority for now.But their numbers are in increase as Armenian fellow try to bring justice to the whole world.


My friend, how can genocide maniacs can be majority for a nation? It is impossible. Always, large bulk of society live their own lifes.


So these minorities are dangerous. It is not important what armenian do or do not. Important thing is that, we have a fasist minority(an active and dangerous one.)


You are forgetting that some airport-workers butchered, cooked, and then ate one at Istanbul airport recently. But how did they get a camel through security - even through the eye of a needle would be easier!


creativity of Turks? :D

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creativity of Turks? :D



none other then a turk cold come to Armenian forum and joke on a day when 1.5 million of my countryman were slaughtered by a turk


turkish sensitivity, here it is above.


go traslate this


triq el ches axr, triqe der ogut e martkutyane

haremi tsnund, haremi serund


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1.5 million by a single Turk in a single day, Turkish creativity indeed.



must you say something or you have something to say?

get lost now

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Excuse me for what I have to say but you are an ass****h***le


And that's what I have to say to you and your genre.


Do you honestly think I care what you have to say? :huh:



BTW, Zurderer, keep up the good work and don't be discouraged from posting stuff here! :)

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1.5 million by a single Turk in a single day, Turkish creativity indeed.


What's your point?


Are you being funny because the subject of the predicate is improbable?


Or is it that you are demonstrating the backwards stupidity of the Armenians?


Don't you think we are at least able to get your message by now? Yours and the wise Turk's?


What are you offering? All you do is find a floating corner in threads and take more shot at Armenians. Yes, yes, yes 'fish in a bucket', we are SO idiotic, we are in constant need of the superior western eye and hand, we are shown our wrong, it is bitter, righteous truth....


Is that what it is? We're ungrateful fools?


Your contributions are great. THANK YOU.


What's being proven with the slick talk? I honestly just want to know.

Edited by Zartonk
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What's your point?


Are you being funny because the subject of the predicate is improbable?


Or is it that you are demonstrating the backwards stupidity of the Armenians?


Don't you think we are at least able to get your message by now? Yours and the wise Turk's?


What are you offering? All you do is find a floating corner in threads and take more shot at Armenians. Yes, yes, yes 'fish in a bucket', we are SO idiotic, we are in constant need of the superior western eye and hand, we are shown our wrong, it is bitter, righteous truth....


Is that what it is? We're ungrateful fools?


Your contributions are great. THANK YOU.


What's being proven with the slick talk? I honestly just want to know.


I'll repeat what I said earlier "Do you honestly think I care what you have to say?"


My post arose because I was worried that Zurderer actually might care about what Edward had said. But I am probably underestimating Zurderer. By now he probably has a good idea what to expect here, and has the required thick skin.

As for shooting those fish in a barrel like I can do, or just stabbing them with sharp objects like Zurderer does - there is no lasting entertainment value to the activity.




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I'll repeat what I said earlier "Do you honestly think I care what you have to say?"


My post arose because I was worried that Zurderer actually might care about what Edward had said. But I am probably underestimating Zurderer. By now he probably has a good idea what to expect here, and has the required thick skin.

As for shooting those fish in a barrel like I can do, or just stabbing them with sharp objects like Zurderer does - there is no lasting entertainment value to the activity.






zurderer does have a place here which is not taken by anyone. Don't worry he knows what to expect. You on the other hand don't know what to expect by exausting people patience. What is you purpouse neko? I can understand zurderer, and we need (my opinion) this guy here. You on the other hand have done nothing other than whinning, we do have of this a lot already.



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I'll repeat what I said earlier "Do you honestly think I care what you have to say?"


Of course I don't. After all, you're above me.You don't give a shit what I think, and you make sure I know it. Crystal clear.


Zurderer, as you have observed, is well established and is doing fine. He stabs on.


How is your gun??

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You idiot Turks! There was an Armenian Genocide, and you're just trying to hide the truth. You're trying this with so much effort, that people from your dirty culture are hacking Armenian Genocide websites that tell the truth and editing what it says to please their thoughts (sounds a lot like how "permanent" the recorded history of Turks is). For example, http://theforgotten.org You sick-minded Turks are so scared of your "country" falling of when the genocide is recognized, that you can't help but to lie about the facts of history! Turkey will fall one day, and all you barbarian nomads could go the hell back to Central Asia, where you belong! Edited by Էլիա
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