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Presidential Elections 2008 In Armenia March 1


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Serge Sargsyan is the third President of the Republic of Armenia


The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) of Armenia summed up on February 24 the final data of the presidential elections, according to which Serge Sargsyan is elected President of Armenia, with 862 369 votes (52.82%).


Ex-President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan comes second with 351 222 votes (21.5%).


Then the votes were distributed as follows: Chairman of “Orinats Yerkir” Party Arthur Baghdasaryan – 272 427 votes (17.7%), Member of ARF Dashnaktsutyun Bureau Vahan Hovhannissyan – 100 966 votes (6.2%), Chairman of the National-Democratic Union Vazgen Manukyan – 21 075 votes (1.3%), Leader of the People’s Party Tigran Karapetyan - 9 792 votes (0.6%), Chairman of the National Unification Party Artashes Geghamyan - 7 524 votes (0.46%), Ex-Foreign Minister of Nagorno-Artsax Arman Melikyan – 4 399 votes (0.27%) and Chairman of the National Consent Party Aram Harutiunyan - 2 892 votes (0.17%).


Public Radio of Armenia


Note: These are the final numbers and final results, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to change these numbers or results!!!

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EZ jan, it is very upsetting to find out that the issue you are trying to find is not discussed in the topics in here too much because most of our people in here, are pro Serzh - "AGAINST LTP" therefore, they don't want to discuss the fraud and the "bad stuff" that has been done by the authorities, we tried to cover the topic as much as possible, but then again, personally I love everyone in the forum, and I don't want to cause them any harm by talking against the authorities constantly!!! :accident:
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people in here, are pro Serzh - "AGAINST LTP" therefore, they don't want to discuss the fraud and the "bad stuff" that has been done by the authorities,


Ashot jan, bayts inchu es kartsum vor against LTP means pro Serzh. Yes voch nran em uzum, voechel nran. Bayts qani vor petqa @ntrenq erku vati mechits mi hat@ yes @ntrum em aveli kitch vatin. Inch verabervuma xaxtumneri masin, yes nranq qnarkelun dem chem.


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Protesters and Police Clash as Armenia Unrest Grows


Mr. Ter-Petrossian, who was president from 1991 to 1998, presents himself as the one to rescue the country. For nine days he has slept in his Lincoln Town Car, parked near the protesters’ camp, and he calls the protests “a clear, classic bourgeois, democratic revolution.”


“To keep this regime is a catastrophe for Armenia,” he said last week, smoking a cigarette in a gilded holder. “It’s a pyramid scheme. An eastern monarchy from the Middle Ages.”


Though many Armenians share his frustration, fewer think he is the man capable of making real changes. As president, he relied on the very methods he is now criticizing, they say, arresting opposition figures, closing news organizations and sending armored vehicles into the streets after a tainted election in 1996.


“A revolution means there is a principled person from outside the system who wants to change it,” said Avetik Ishkhanyan, chairman of the Armenian Helsinki Committee. “But this opposition created the system. It is identical to the people in power.”


The New York Times

Edited by Sulamita
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Mr. Ter-Petrossian, who was president from 1991 to 1998, presents himself as the one to rescue the country. For nine days he has slept in his Lincoln Town Car, parked near the protesters’ camp, and he calls the protests “a clear, classic bourgeois, democratic revolution.”


From this quote, one can deduce that he has lost his mind. Anyone using ideological slogans in 21 century is doomed to oblivion.

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EZ jan, it is very upsetting to find out that the issue you are trying to find is not discussed in the topics in here too much because most of our people in here, are pro Serzh - "AGAINST LTP" therefore, they don't want to discuss the fraud and the "bad stuff" that has been done by the authorities, we tried to cover the topic as much as possible, but then again, personally I love everyone in the forum, and I don't want to cause them any harm by talking against the authorities constantly!!! :accident:


Thanks Ashot. I did occur to me that the silence I felt, had a reason.


Anyway. I just translated a Dutch article from last week on the subject so I could show it to a friend. It might not be news to you, but to me, trying to understand what went on, it showed just a little more than what I found on regular news sites in the pas week.


So, for whatever it's worth I might as well post the translation here....


http://www.wereldomroep.nl/actua/europa/08...menie_oppositie (dutch world broadcast)


Opposition receives little support from abroad


By Wendy Braanker



The situation in Armenia remains tensed. The oppositions keeps on protesting from dislike over the election results from last week. The government has put the army in against the demonstrators. The question is who has the longest breath. Without international support the opposition has little chance.


The opposition in Armenia says that at the presidential elections fraud took place at large scale and the result has been manipulated. The elections were won with large majority by Serzh Sarkisian, a trustee of the previous president Robert Kocharian. In the first election round Sarkisian got an absolute majority of almost 53 percent, so there won’t be a second round. The main rival of Sarkisian, former president Levon Ter-Petrosian, got no more than 21 percent.


Fair play or not


Opposition leader Ter-Petrosian immediately stated that serious irregularities took place at the voting precincts. Independent observers of the OVSE don’t agree. They say that the Armenian elections for the main part were fair. This however is being doubted by the Inter Church Peace Organization (IKV) and local organizations in Armenia that are in contact with the IKV.


Also the Dutchman Jan Kloos, who lives in Armenia since 2000 and co-founder of the European Commercial Chamber in Armenian, think the OVSE is wrong. “They have declared the elections clean, but fraud is clearly the case. Each election fraud occurs, otherwise the parties in power for more than 10 years wouldn’t have been able to sustain themselves”. According to Kloos the Armenians are more than fed up with it.


Situation increasingly explosive


The arrest of several members of the opposition is causing the situation to be even more explosive, even though it has been quiet in Yerevan on Monday morning. The IKV fears that the situation will get seriously out of hand in the coming days.


According to Koos the opposition is more powerful than before. “If you see the opposition in the broad sense of the word – so all parties that don’t participate in the government – they are now participating in the demonstrations organized by opposition candidate Ter-Petrosian. And this is a unique situation. After every election there is rumor in the city. This is the first time that the opposition is standing behind ONE man.


Kocharian’s answer to the demonstrations is powerful. Last weekend he sent word out that the protests are meant to get into power illegally. “The answer of the government will be decisive and firm in order to maintain the stability and order in the state”. The army is ready and is positioned strategically at the entrance roads of the capital Yerevan.


So chances are high that things will get tough in Armenia in the coming days. But the longest breath probably is that of the sitting president. The opposition clearly lacks support from abroad. And the OVSE has not called the election illegal. Protests, any which way, will fade out eventually.


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EZ jan, it is very upsetting to find out that the issue you are trying to find is not discussed in the topics in here too much because most of our people in here, are pro Serzh - "AGAINST LTP" therefore, they don't want to discuss the fraud and the "bad stuff" that has been done by the authorities, we tried to cover the topic as much as possible, but then again, personally I love everyone in the forum, and I don't want to cause them any harm by talking against the authorities constantly!!! :accident:

Ashot, that is not altogether true. If you read some pre-election posts you will see that many of us including MosJan were rooting for LTP. But the man made a fool of himself, he could have kept his dignity, share power, maybe even as PM. It reminds us of Al Gore in 2000 when he graciously stepped aside even when there was a dispute about vote manipulations (Look back to Florida and the hanging chads).

And speaking of fraud, and that Armenia is a backward country, once again look up and see what happened in the US in 2000.

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8 dead?

Was it worth it?


Officials have reported that eight people are dead as a result of yesterday’s battles in Yerevan.

The aftermath of a day of violence is evident in Sunday’s spring sun in Yerevan as the scene of violent confrontation between law enforcement and thousands of discontent citizens reveals itself in the aftermath.

On the day after, the wreckage has been reduced to acres of trash that includes burned vehicles, the discarded makeshift weapons of some, and the occasional blood spots that show their effect.

An imposed quiet has come to the capital, brought by President Robert Kocharyan’s declared State of Emergency and by his release of oppositionist leader Levon Ter-Petrosyan who, early this morning implored his supporters to go back to their homes and end the conflict.

As conditions of the emergency, media are being told to observe a blackout except for release of official information.

ArmeniaNow will continue to inform its readers as conditions permit.


John Hughes

ArmeniaNow editor


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EZ jan, it is very upsetting to find out that the issue you are trying to find is not discussed in the topics in here too much because most of our people in here, are pro Serzh - "AGAINST LTP" therefore, they don't want to discuss the fraud and the "bad stuff" that has been done by the authorities, we tried to cover the topic as much as possible, but then again, personally I love everyone in the forum, and I don't want to cause them any harm by talking against the authorities constantly!!! :accident:



Ashot, there is one word that must de discussed when we talk about LTP, credibility, and he does not have it.


I also have to confess that, speaking for myself, I cannot possibly sit in Canada and talk against 20-60 thousand Armenian citizens demonstrating to show how fed up they are, with the risk of being killed, which we find out today with extreme disgust.


LTP has shown to be an arrogant and an totalitarian leader when he had the chance to rule. A political animal cannot change his stripes by passage of time, and this was proven with his notoriously dangerous and poisonous speeches from his podium last week. What do you expect from a leader who calls those who are not with him as traitors. And what do you do with traitors, is the next question that needs to be answered.


As for people here being pro-Serje. If you read, at least my previous posts you will see that I am far from being a fan of Serje, who is truly in conflict of interest in being a politician and running many private businesses, thus a bloodsucker of a politician, and Kocharian who has all but handed over almost the entire heavy and strategic industries over to the Russians to have the blessing of Putin, in the name of Armenia's strategic interest. Yeah right!


Let's not kid ourselves in thinking that all those thousands of demonstrators who were filling the streets are for LTP, NO! they are simply FED UP with election after so-called election of being treated like they do not count! BUT, with all due respect to the demonstrators, they are following a false "saviour". Also SHAME on the Armenian authorities for moving against the peaceful, albeit loud, demonstrators and causing death. I cannot believe I am typing these words, deaths in the street of Yerevan.


These crimes; both the tradition of holding fixed elections and the authorities cruelties towards their own people are not just "trivial" crimes against an opposition but cimes that threaten the national security of the country. If the Armenian people, the citizens, with the fullest sense of the word, do not get the upper hand in controlling Armenia's government system and prevent thugs (Serje or LTP) running Armenia, then I am sorry to say that Armenia does not deserve independence. Let Armenia officially join Russia, at least we can save face and blame the Russians for these cruelties.


Do not yell at me for saying these words, for seventy years Armenian thugs willingly committed crimes against our nation and we blamed Kremlin for it.


I am sick in my stomach.

Edited by Z'areh
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I am so saddened to see whats happening in Armenia. I am neither pro Levon nor Serje but the difference in vote count is drastic. There is no way just not possible that so many of the votes could be fraudulent. Its typical Armenian psyche to never gracefully step up and say you lost. We just cant admit it. This is even more obvious when you look to the other candidates(ie the dashkantutun who got some 20 thousand votes did not even say yes we lost)


And now we have few men with bruised egos who are causing more instability in the country and are causing death to our people


Shame on us...

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This is even more obvious when you look to the other candidates(ie the dashkantutun who got some 20 thousand votes did not even say yes we lost)

Quite the contrary my friend. The Dashnaks got about 100 000 votes according to the results and its candidate gracefully conceded defeat. But he did cite that there was fraud present at the elections and resigned from his post as deputy speaker.

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the israeli flag in freedom square












Clashes in Yerevan



























Yerevan after the riots













Levon Ter-Petrosyan & Vano Seradegyan












32-ATAM & Levon Ter-Petrosyan



Edited by Aratta-Kingdom
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Lets hope things like this will not happen again.







Thanks for these videos.

It's sick to see what LTP has done to Armenia. This event reminds me of early and mid-1990s when he was in charge. I would be surprised if he doesn't get arrested or something else doesn't happen to him when situation is calmer. Poor dead people. LTP was no worth their life.


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I am so saddened to see whats happening in Armenia. I am neither pro Levon nor Serje but the difference in vote count is drastic. There is no way just not possible that so many of the votes could be fraudulent. Its typical Armenian psyche to never gracefully step up and say you lost. We just cant admit it. This is even more obvious when you look to the other candidates(ie the dashkantutun who got some 20 thousand votes did not even say yes we lost)


And now we have few men with bruised egos who are causing more instability in the country and are causing death to our people


Shame on us...


Azat, this is not about Dashnaktsutioun, but about Levon Ter-Petrossian wanting to come to power using all means at his disposal, using the pretext of being cheated out of the election. Him and his ex-HHsH cronies have proven to be a destructive and divisive force in Armenian politics. Here we are witnessing yet another proof.


If there is any party who legitimately can claim being cheated in fact it is the Dashnak party. But as A-K reminds us they preferred to gracefully bow out to avoid harmful consequences, because whether we want it or not there is an imposed problem on us to tackle first: N. G.


The Dashnak party gained almost 14 % in the parliamentary elections, if they had the votes to garner 14% percent not so long ago, it defies the logic that their representative in the presidential elections would barely manage 6% today.


But they gracefully admitted defeat. Perhaps they should be upheld as a role model for the others from now on to copy.

Edited by Z'areh
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Thanks for these videos.

It's sick to see what LTP has done to Armenia. This event reminds me of early and mid-1990s when he was in charge. I would be surprised if he doesn't get arrested or something else doesn't happen to him when situation is calmer. Poor dead people. LTP was no worth their life.


voch levonn a bani pet, voch rob@, u voch el serj@.

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I've been following the Russian media yesterday and today (OPT channel one) and they haven't mentioned this incident yet. I know that they're busy with their elections, but the main reason is not to show the incident in order not to lower Armenia's imagine, so they're trying to keep it low for now. I say bravo to that! What happened will only bring us shame and I'm glad that they're not exposing the incident because of their support of the country.

The same happened in Georgia (although it was escalated) but the Russians didn't hesitate to show it all from the beginning, which was evident that they were trying to show all that crap that went on in Georgia having antagnositic feelings towards them. I think they will eventually cover the incident, but in much lighter and less shamefull way for us. Few independent channels did cover it, but very briefly. The state owned channel hasn't done it. They should keep it up...no need to compare us to the Georgians.

Edited by elle
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Off topic,


someone posted a video of the 32 atam stand up comics (imitating LTP). Who are these guys? they perform in Armenia or LA? They're pretty good, and the crowd seemed to like them. Are they big? As big as kargin kaset? I love comedy, so just give me some info on them please.



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They're a group of comedians from Yerevan, performing in Yerevan. The show is made on the same platform as "Comedy Club" of Russia. Which is made by Armenians as well, namely Garik Martirosyan the captain of the "New Armenians"
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voch levonn a bani pet, voch rob@, u voch el serj@.


karj hakirj yev hamarot - %100% jisht


sakayn urishner@ chkan - 9 hoguts 1 dartsav/darnalu e prezident - mek@ tuytser e anum - mnatsats@ ?? kam paxkvel en kam el miyatsel serjin - de hima yes chem udu es asa tesnem et 9its vor mekn er jisht tghamard ??

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[08:51 pm] 01 March, 2008


Answering to the question of Liberty Radio Station correspondent, Levon Ter-Petrosyan revealed the perpetrator of 1996 military actions. The following question was asked: Ter-Petrosyan condemned the violations against the chairman of the NA and his deputies in 1996. Does he condemn the violation against the political actors carried out by the heads of penitentiaries and tanks brought out to Yerevan streets then?


Levon Ter-Petrosyan said: “ No, I do not condemn, I agree with Kocharyan. If we attacked a building, he had the right to disperse us by all technical means set up by international laws, yes he had the right. No state should allow massive disorder, attacks on state buildings, kidnapping of state officials. If you attacked a building and Robert Kocharyan would do what he did in the morning that would be legal”.


According to Levon Ter-Petrosyan, they had assaulted on peaceful demonstrators today. He reminded 1996, when the deputy chairmen of the NA were beaten and the president was taken in an unknown direction. “The whole operation was headed by Serge Sargsyan. Vano Siradeghyan and Vazgen Sargsyan had nothing in common with the mentioned actions. Serge Sargsyan headed the security powers, national security, as well as police powers. When people assaulted on the NA, Serge Sargsyan said: “We should open fire” and I said only to the air”.


Levon Ter-Petrosyan reminded that no one was injured from a gun shot then


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