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Source For Armenian Fonts For A Mac?


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Barev everyone,


vava, I am currently on the great, stable, and superior platform of beauty that is OSX :smilie_osx: ..(That was for MosJan..:-)


You know, the more time goes on I realize that maybe there was more to my "baptism" from Abarantsi Valod that I had realized...especially if that makes the biggest, blond haired/blue eyed otar you have ever seen half-Armenian... :wine:



ps: This is my first time using these smilie codes, so go easy on me!

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  • 5 months later...

Oh my gosh!!! I totally forgot about this thread! :o :(

Sheramjian, if you're still around - my apologies. I do have some Postscript OSX fonts in Armenian, but as Yume said, it is possible to use TrueType fonts in OSX as well.


BTW welcome Yume!

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  • 2 years later...



As Yume and Vava said, often it is possible to install Windows fonts in the Mac OS-X, because many of the new fonts are OpenType, but even the older TrueType fonts can be installed.


A friend of mine is converting many fonts to Unicode OpenType, so that they can be used both for Mac and Windows. Once he is done with it, he will make them available for free. When these fonts become available, I will post a notice and a link in this forum.


In the meantime, if you see a font that you like in Windows, try it on your Mac: it may install without problems. I have done it even with older TrueType fonts, that were not OpenType. Some of them install without problems: once you double click on the font file and it opens with Font Book, you click on "Install Font" and it installs right away. Others may not install directly from your disk or your flash drive, and you may have to copy the file manually into the font library and then double click again and then click on "Install". Most of them install easily. I have encountered some fonts among the older ones, that Microsoft Word does not show in the list of fonts from the tool bar, but if you go into the "Format" menu and then into "Fonts", you find it and it works, but with the newer ones you won't have those problems.



Edited by Sarkis11
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