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Some Youth/kids Are Getting Stupider By The Day.

Guest fackit

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The Armenian people always take pride in their history, culture, and heritage. They symbolize themselves

as an important race of people and as icons to others. They often speak of how they have contributed nothing but talent

to this wonderful world of ours. But with all this said there is one question that continues to boggle my mind...

How can such an ancient and important culture be so stupid and impure at the same time?

The answer might seem difficult but in reality it is fairly simple.

Armenians have a bit too much pride and not enough modesty and respect for others.

The root of the problem lies in the hands of Armenian parents that lack intelligence and who

do not educate their children of what is right and what isn't.


Below is a sample of how the Armenian youth takes pride in their culture. By spray painting their name on trees, trash cans and grounds in peaceful neighborhoods.

We congratulate those responsible for this, now you can show all of America and the world where the Armenian name belongs...Not on trash cans, but in them!









Edited by MosJan
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Where was this?


They're just some kids doing 'stupid kid' things. BUt yeah, I agree with your point largely.


It's not just stupid kids doing stupid things. The problem is that parents don't take the time to tell these kids that what they see on tv ( 50 cent, eminem, Ja Rule, Monkey business, Ice Gorilla ) are not icons and heroes. They are just thugs who make bad music. These kids look up to these guys and try to copy their way of life, except the only problem is the fact that they do not live in the slums, ghettos, or favelas. They live in upper middle class neighborhoods and drive their parents 80,000 dollar cars while dreaming of slinging weapons like their idols one day.

Edited by fackit
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I kind of like their artwork :) otherwise that place looks kind of sterile and boring.


That's the point, they are bored with their middle-class suburban selves, it's a teenage revolution against

suburbs, endless highways, the American car culture. Hopefully they will grow up and create communities that are less boring.

Edited by kakachik77
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It's not just stupid kids doing stupid things. The problem is that parents don't take the time to tell these kids that what they see on tv ( 50 cent, eminem, Ja Rule, Monkey business, Ice Gorilla ) are not icons and heroes. They are just thugs who make bad music. These kids look up to these guys and try to copy their way of life, except the only problem is the fact that they do not live in the slums, ghettos, or favelas. They live in upper middle class neighborhoods and drive their parents 80,000 dollar cars while dreaming of slinging weapons like their idols one day.


That is Glendale buddy (most American-Armenian enclaves also).

Edited by sSebB
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I kind of like their artwork :) otherwise that place looks kind of sterile and boring.


That's the point, they are bored with their middle-class suburban selves, it's a teenage revolution against

suburbs, endless highways, the American car culture. Hopefully they will grow up and create communities that are less boring.



Car culture? I don't see Hemi or 427 written anywhere. They will grow up to be like their parents rowdy and vulgar.

I don't know about you but I don't like my neighborhood looking like shit. Peaceful yeah it maybe, it isn't New York. But I don't like these particles of dirt who belong on rat testicles pissing on my property with their 2 inch penises.

Edited by fackit
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I can't say that I am surprised. This sort of irrelevant, irresponsible, laughable, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, short-sighted, simple-minded activity doesn't surpise me very much.


armenian pride? This is our pride? This is what years of fighting and suffering have earned us? The right to have our name written on trash cans, sidewalks and trees? And not even in proper lettering or cusive - a beaner would ATLEAST have drawn a picture of his girlfriend in front of a waterfall or something. This is fantastic! Our pride lies in the uneducated, untalented hands of naive, simple-minded degenerates.


I have singled myself a very small, tight-nit group or armenians with which I associate. I must say, of all the armenians I have known, this group is by far nothing like the rest of the population. The whole 'Hey! HEY! LOOK AT ME DAMNIT! Oh you're not gonna look? What if I act like a gangster? Still no? Hmm, what if I...DRIVE REALLY FAST WITH LOUD MUSIC! HA! THAT'LL GET YOUR ATTENTION! RIGHT? THERE YOU GO! LOOK AT ME!!' vibe doesn't exist.


Wow. I really am ashamed to be armenian. At first I used to use John as my name for the sake of ease and not having to spell my real name out every time, but now its more of a dis-association with being armenian. Notice how I don't even write armenian with a capital 'a' anymore - I just don't think it deserves the respect.


I kind of like their artwork :) otherwise that place looks kind of sterile and boring.


That's the point, they are bored with their middle-class suburban selves, it's a teenage revolution against

suburbs, endless highways, the American car culture. Hopefully they will grow up and create communities that are less boring.


Wow, you're very intelligent. Lets see how you would like having this kind of shit in your backyard. Sterile? Boring? Where do you live kak? East Los Angeles? The'yre bored with their middle-class suburban selves. Interesting. I guess thats an excellent reason to degrade their ethnicity. Your intelligence drips from your thoughts.


"Hopefully they will grow up and create communities that are less boring."


Ha....hahahaahaha. You shallow-minded fool.


Fackit, you speak the truth. Keep on preaching the good word my friend.

Edited by disgusted
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I can't say that I am surprised. This sort of irrelevant, irresponsible, laughable, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, short-sighted, simple-minded activity doesn't surpise me very much.


armenian pride? This is our pride? This is what years of fighting and suffering have earned us? The right to have our name written on trash cans, sidewalks and trees? And not even in proper lettering or cusive - a beaner would ATLEAST have drawn a picture of his girlfriend in front of a waterfall or something. This is fantastic! Our pride lies in the uneducated, untalented hands of naive, simple-minded degenerates.


I have singled myself a very small, tight-nit group or armenians with which I associate. I must say, of all the armenians I have known, this group is by far nothing like the rest of the population. The whole 'Hey! HEY! LOOK AT ME DAMNIT! Oh you're not gonna look? What if I act like a gangster? Still no? Hmm, what if I...DRIVE REALLY FAST WITH LOUD MUSIC! HA! THAT'LL GET YOUR ATTENTION! RIGHT? THERE YOU GO! LOOK AT ME!!' vibe doesn't exist.


Wow. I really am ashamed to be armenian. At first I used to use John as my name for the sake of ease and not having to spell my real name out every time, but now its more of a dis-association with being armenian. Notice how I don't even write armenian with a capital 'a' anymore - I just don't think it deserves the respect.

Wow, you're very intelligent. Lets see how you would like having this kind of shit in your backyard. Sterile? Boring? Where do you live kak? East Los Angeles? The'yre bored with their middle-class suburban selves. Interesting. I guess thats an excellent reason to degrade their ethnicity. Your intelligence drips from your thoughts.


"Hopefully they will grow up and create communities that are less boring."


Ha....hahahaahaha. You shallow-minded fool.


Fackit, you speak the truth. Keep on preaching the good word my friend.



I'd like to see these so called "gangsters" survive in the slums of Rio De Janeiro for example or how about Detroit or Oakland? I just want to see how tough Dopey, Slimey, Earwax, Body Odor, and Fubu really are.

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I can't say that I am surprised. This sort of irrelevant, irresponsible, laughable, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, short-sighted, simple-minded activity doesn't surpise me very much.


armenian pride? This is our pride? This is what years of fighting and suffering have earned us? The right to have our name written on trash cans, sidewalks and trees? And not even in proper lettering or cusive - a beaner would ATLEAST have drawn a picture of his girlfriend in front of a waterfall or something. This is fantastic! Our pride lies in the uneducated, untalented hands of naive, simple-minded degenerates.


I have singled myself a very small, tight-nit group or armenians with which I associate. I must say, of all the armenians I have known, this group is by far nothing like the rest of the population. The whole 'Hey! HEY! LOOK AT ME DAMNIT! Oh you're not gonna look? What if I act like a gangster? Still no? Hmm, what if I...DRIVE REALLY FAST WITH LOUD MUSIC! HA! THAT'LL GET YOUR ATTENTION! RIGHT? THERE YOU GO! LOOK AT ME!!' vibe doesn't exist.


Wow. I really am ashamed to be armenian. At first I used to use John as my name for the sake of ease and not having to spell my real name out every time, but now its more of a dis-association with being armenian. Notice how I don't even write armenian with a capital 'a' anymore - I just don't think it deserves the respect.

Wow, you're very intelligent. Lets see how you would like having this kind of shit in your backyard. Sterile? Boring? Where do you live kak? East Los Angeles? The'yre bored with their middle-class suburban selves. Interesting. I guess thats an excellent reason to degrade their ethnicity. Your intelligence drips from your thoughts.


"Hopefully they will grow up and create communities that are less boring."


Ha....hahahaahaha. You shallow-minded fool.


Fackit, you speak the truth. Keep on preaching the good word my friend.


An "interesting" first post.


I must say, you have no right to trash the Armenian name and all the things it stands for. You are ashamed of being Armenian? What have you done that has degraded us? Nothing I hope.


The only people that should be ashamed are the very people that have commited the vandalism that we've seen above. Every nation has rebels, gangsters, etc. Don't disown a beautiful country/race, not to mention a part of yourself, because of how the youth behave.

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An "interesting" first post.


I must say, you have no right to trash the Armenian name and all the things it stands for. You are ashamed of being Armenian? What have you done that has degraded us? Nothing I hope.


The only people that should be ashamed are the very people that have commited the vandalism that we've seen above. Every nation has rebels, gangsters, etc. Don't disown a beautiful country/race, not to mention a part of yourself, because of how the youth behave.



Sadly, however, it's not only the youth who is degrading our culture. I agree with fackit, we need to redefine what pride is. Those who have "Armenian pride" should work toward the enrichment of our unique characteristics while appreciating other cultures. We need to grasp the fact that the Armenians are not better than others. They're just different.

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Welcome new members! :)


I'd have to say that grafitti in general can be artistic and a form of cultural expression. However, in the case above it clearly isn't. Youthful rebellion? Perhaps. But I still think that these are bored young kids doing stupic things. They'll realise sonner or later that damaging trees, and defaming public property isn't quite the right venue to express their 'pride'.


That said, I do agree that we as a community need to manage some behaviour change in our youth.

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I can't say that I am surprised. This sort of irrelevant, irresponsible, laughable, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, short-sighted, simple-minded activity doesn't surpise me very much.


armenian pride? This is our pride? This is what years of fighting and suffering have earned us? The right to have our name written on trash cans, sidewalks and trees? And not even in proper lettering or cusive - a beaner would ATLEAST have drawn a picture of his girlfriend in front of a waterfall or something. This is fantastic! Our pride lies in the uneducated, untalented hands of naive, simple-minded degenerates.


I have singled myself a very small, tight-nit group or armenians with which I associate. I must say, of all the armenians I have known, this group is by far nothing like the rest of the population. The whole 'Hey! HEY! LOOK AT ME DAMNIT! Oh you're not gonna look? What if I act like a gangster? Still no? Hmm, what if I...DRIVE REALLY FAST WITH LOUD MUSIC! HA! THAT'LL GET YOUR ATTENTION! RIGHT? THERE YOU GO! LOOK AT ME!!' vibe doesn't exist.


Wow. I really am ashamed to be armenian. At first I used to use John as my name for the sake of ease and not having to spell my real name out every time, but now its more of a dis-association with being armenian. Notice how I don't even write armenian with a capital 'a' anymore - I just don't think it deserves the respect.

Wow, you're very intelligent. Lets see how you would like having this kind of shit in your backyard. Sterile? Boring? Where do you live kak? East Los Angeles? The'yre bored with their middle-class suburban selves. Interesting. I guess thats an excellent reason to degrade their ethnicity. Your intelligence drips from your thoughts.


"Hopefully they will grow up and create communities that are less boring."


Ha....hahahaahaha. You shallow-minded fool.


Fackit, you speak the truth. Keep on preaching the good word my friend.


i think you should apologize :) because if you cannot respect free speech then you really are not a true american either, notice i write american wtih a small letter.

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A portion of our yong diaspora is in the need of a crucial reassessment of what Armenia and being an Armenian mean. The certain "Pride" sprayed & mentioned above has a contaminating association with non-Armenian traits such as hookas and sagging pants. This is nothing but the low class "818" creation, it is by no measure Armenian and it really does bring unease and chagrin to the rest of us. I doubt that such behaviour is tolerated by any respectable Armenian, HOWEVER, when someone judges the integrity and seemliness of a populace and culture as distinct and ripe as ours is by such minor expliots, not only does he come in agreement with the misrepresentation, but he also aids it along. Noticing an ignorance -especially towards something as central and sacred as one's culture- does not justify the disrespect of the subject ignored.


"Notice how I don't even write armenian with a capital 'a' anymore - I just don't think it deserves the respect."


Forgive me sir (ma'am), but how dare you?!


You yourself obviously have no familiarity with it.

Edited by Zartonk
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There is no excuse for stupidity. Most people wan't to blame "stupid kids". They try to convince others that there are dumb kids in every race, yes that is true however the only difference is: When Hispanic American kids spray paint things, they do it in neighborhoods where these type of things are common, most of them grew up around this type of lifestyle, they were brought up in it, they don't try to imitate it. Same goes for the African Americans. Where Armenian kids were not brought up in the slums, they wen't to safe public schools while being chauffeured in Daddys 80,000 dollar car. Yet they decide to follow this lifestyle and throw the Armenian name in the mud. The problem is that everyone wants to push these little ***ups under the carpet and blame it on "dumb kids". Why doesn't anyone step up to their parents. Everytime little Andranik decides to do something stupid what do his parents say? " Oh he's just a kid he'll learn. Well he's not learning. 90 percent of Armenians in America are rowdy and vulgar,this includes children and parents. and nothing has gotten better, it's only gonna worse if their parents don't take responsibility.


That's the problem with Armenians, it's always Armenian this Armenian that, it's never "we care about our community and neighbors not only ourselves". You know what the real problem is? Armenians are stubborn, they're never willing to listen to others.

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in my early teenage years i used to write on our school walls with charcoal "Tadevosiani maman"... i also used to take a piss on the door knobs of the teachers i didn't like... break the windows of the rival school... steal fruits from the neighbor's gardens... and many more cool stuff...


so what?...

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90 percent of Armenians in America are rowdy and vulgar,this includes children and parents. and nothing has gotten better, it's only gonna worse if their parents don't take responsibility.


Yeah maybe. The other 10% live in the midwest.


I do think the fault for these behaviors lie with the parents, but when did these behaviors and attitudes start to change for the worse? (That is vulgar and rowdy like you described)

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in my early teenage years i used to write on our school walls with charcoal "Tadevosiani maman"... i also used to take a piss on the door knobs of the teachers i didn't like... break the windows of the rival school... steal fruits from the neighbor's gardens... and many more cool stuff...


so what?...


so then you are in that 90%...got it :P

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Armenians have a bit too much pride and not enough modesty and respect for others.

The root of the problem lies in the hands of Armenian parents that lack intelligence and who

do not educate their children of what is right and what isn't.

Absolutely, positively agree. Very good point. However I don't entirely like this ancient/chosen people approach. I don't think that any culture is exempt from stupidity, I believe that's a part of the humbling process you speak of.

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i think you should apologize :) because if you cannot respect free speech then you really are not a true american either, notice i write american wtih a small letter.


I don't owe you any such appology. As you would like me to acknowledge your right of free speach, you must also acknowledge mine. Your post is very hypocritical.

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A portion of our yong diaspora is in the need of a crucial reassessment of what Armenia and being an Armenian mean. The certain "Pride" sprayed & mentioned above has a contaminating association with non-Armenian traits such as hookas and sagging pants. This is nothing but the low class "818" creation, it is by no measure Armenian and it really does bring unease and chagrin to the rest of us. I doubt that such behaviour is tolerated by any respectable Armenian, HOWEVER, when someone judges the integrity and seemliness of a populace and culture as distinct and ripe as ours is by such minor expliots, not only does he come in agreement with the misrepresentation, but he also aids it along. Noticing an ignorance -especially towards something as central and sacred as one's culture- does not justify the disrespect of the subject ignored.


Very well spoken. I agree with you completely.


"Notice how I don't even write armenian with a capital 'a' anymore - I just don't think it deserves the respect."


Forgive me sir (ma'am), but how dare you?!


You yourself obviously have no familiarity with it.


I, actually, am extremely familiar with it. I spent 8 years in Homenetmen as a scout and learned more about armenian history, culture, religion, and honor than most will ever know. Perhaps my level of anger and frustration is because of the very location in which I live and the abundance of such rediculous acts. As the saying goes - There is only so much water that can be poured in a cup until it starts to overflow.


I see that you live in Texas - How different is the armenian populous in your kneck of the woods?

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Couldn't find the last word in the Webster's dictionary. By the way, I believe your post just confirmed fackit's argument.


Kak is the user's name. I suggest you re-read the thread. I also think you confirmed fackit's argument as well. Like many cocky armenians, always quick to jump the gun and act without performing due dilligence.

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