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New Turkish Intellectual Movement.


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From the recent research I've done on serious Western graduate Turkish intellectuals, I was surprised on one thing, there seem to be among those intellectuals a movement on recognizing the Armenian "elimination."


Two interesting reads are The origins of Turkish Republican citizenship: the birth of race by Bora Isyar and Imagining the Turkish nation through 'othering' Armenians by Ayla Göl, both published in Nations and Nationalism rhis year. They're good read, I have particularly liked the first one, both are under 20 pages long, and if anyone is interested to get a copy, just PM me your email, and I'll sent a PDF copy.


What is interesting with such Turkish scholars, is that they really precisly study the structure of the Turkish nationalism and its implication, in an angle that we generally don't see with authors like Dadrian.


There are even a movement among the deniers to modify slightly their version(like pushing the Armenian death tolls to a range from 500,000 to 700,000). When I refer to deniers, I am not talking about clowns like Ataov and Halacoglu, calling them deniers will most probably be, overestimating them.

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